Create your own signature style with Custom Jewelry, learn a few basic jewelry design concepts that will save you time, money, andwill help you building up your brand in the process.
Table of contents
2. Custom Jewelry important question: Is your Collection is fine or fashion?
4. Design Inspiration for your Custom Jewelry Design
Custom Jewelry
The design and concept of custom jewelry let you create your own collection that is unique for your brand. There are a few things to consider before starting with your design.

Brand Story
Think about your brand’s story, and how you can convey that with every piece of jewelry you make.
First picturize your Brand which defined by a customer’s overall perception of your business.
Know your Customer
Who is your customer? Be more specifics by writing down demographics such as age range, lifestyles, buying behavior, attitudes and occasion your customer will use your jewelry.
Custom Jewelry
There are a few things to consider before you start designing your very own collection.
First… It’s your Brand Story.
Think about what you want to convey to your customers or target group.
How do you want your brand to be perceived by your customers?
It is helpful to picturize your Brand and convey that message through every piece of jewelry you design.
To build a strong brand story, you need to know who your customer is.
Try writing your Customer Persona (describe your customer in specific details such as age, lifestyle activities, buying behavior, and attitudes) and link it with your brand story; for example, for what occasion would your customer wear your jewelry and how would they feel while wearing your designs.
Custom Jewelry important question: Is your Collection is fine or fashion?
Decide which direction you are going for ;For example:
Fine Jewelry
- Made with precious and semi-precious metals and natural gems stone
- A higher price range
- Made with excellent craftsmanship
- For the luxury or special occasion customer
Trendy Costume Jewelry
- Made of inexpensive metals and materials such as Lab crated gems stone, Cubic Zirconia and Synthetics
- A lower price range
- Trendy design for everyday use or customer who wants latest trend piece
Custom Jewelry important question: New or Modify?
Create your one-of-a-kind custom jewelry with a personal statement can be done either from Creating from a scratch or modifying from the existing designs. But first it is helpful to understand what type of custom design you are looking for
Back to table of contentsCreate New
If you are the creative type, have a design of your own or have seen a style that has inspired you, Once you have decided to create something totally new and unique for your brand, there are important elements in which you need to consider in designing your jewelry to reflect your Brand Story.

The overall outline of the piece and is one of the first element’s people notice when they look at jewelry. Shape can be characterized as
- Organic which referring to irregular shapes or those that are naturally occurring. The complexity and fluidity of organic shapes gives a sense of freedom, spontaneity and unpredictability.
- Geometric shapes convey rigid, precise, angular and man-made shapes. It has the effect of a controlled piece that structured or follows a clear-cut order. Think rectangles circles and squares.
A pathway for the eyes to follow, with line in different directions and lengths can also convey a deeper meaning for example

- Vertical, the up and down motion the eyes will follow creates a sense of strength and stability that give the design composure and structure.
- Horizontal creates a sense of calm or repose.
- Diagonal is suggesting the sensation of activity or movement.
- Curved is used in a soft and shallow manner, they communicate a form of familiarity and comfort that has a relaxing effect.
- On the other hand, if it has sharp angles, it can convey energy, enthusiasm or anger.
Texture comes into jewelry-design as the perceived or actual surface quality of the piece. Nonetheless there are two types to consider: the physical texture and visual texturewhich utilizes illusion to create dimension. With different combinations draw more attention to the final product which can be rough, smooth, woven, carved or pointy, either way; it adds an interesting component to the design.
This also related to your original idea of your brand which is ability to create moods and emotions for your collection. This can be applied on your Jewelry whether by Gems stone colour , Enamel and plating. Once selected what colour combination you want to go with, you can play around with values, tints, shades and saturation for the final desired effect.
Pay Attention to Sizes. You need to know how to scale your designs. Most of the time, you’ll be drawing them on a 1:1 scale (in other word the sketch on the paper is true to life). But sometimes you might want to change up the scale so you can get a close-up look at the tiny gems or details. The same goes for proportions and the Perspective, the relationship in size between objects which also include the depth and space of the pieces.
For example A size of ring band and the size of gems stone. Some jewelry pieces are so small and detailed that the slightest shift in proportions makes a noticeable difference.
Check the sizing for wearability purpose such as comfort, practical use and ensuring safe wear
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Design Inspiration for your Custom Jewelry Design
The design inspiration, it could be from your Pinterest boards, your own mood boards, or in a sketchbook. If you go for Trendy pieces, Researching trends is one way to determine (and validate) your chosen direction. Read fashion and jewelry blogs daily to stay on top of trends for each upcoming season. Collect images, colors, and textures from nature, architecture, fashion, or travel, and then identify themes that emerge.
Design Sketch
Drawing what you want will help you communicate your ideas. Start sketching. Sometimes, all you need to do to find your creative idea is to just start sketching. Often, the process of sketching itself inspires creativity. Other times it’s the mixing of ideas when you look back at your sketches, for some designers, this is done with a detailed color painting, while others create a simple, basic sketch to use as a guideline. Many of today’s jewelers will create a comprehensive, computer rendering
2D or 3D design software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, GIMP, Pixlr, Inkscape, DrawPlus
Jewelry-specific design software such as JewelCAD, Matrix, Rhinojewel
Making them real as much as possible and avoid costly mistakes. Before starting the production process you must make sure the sketch is exactly what you wanted.
Modify Existing
Many great designs are often derived from existing jewelry. Many times, people will see a piece of jewelry that they like, but they prefer it with a different shape, size, or color stone. Frequently, they desire an existing item a bit thinner, longer, taller, or favor a different texture or pattern.
You may have even found the perfect design with the exception of its finishes. Simply switching the stone type or using a different precious metal may be just enough to go with the rest of your collection.

Bear in mind that a consistent theme will provide your jewelry designs with a cohesive, professional look.
Custom Jewelry important question:How many pieces of Jewelry for your collection?
You have to decide how many pieces in your jewelry collection for example
Categories such as Silver Necklace, Rings, earrings, bracelet, Pendant, Cufflink, Choker
Then How many pieces in each category?

Basic Jewelry Side note
At Basic Jewelry, we take the complication out of custom jewelry design. Our designers will work with you and help you to confidently select the elements in jewelry that you will be completely satisfied. It is our responsibility to make sure that we discover your needs before we execute a project for you.
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